Posts in Values

Who we are, what we do, and who we want to become is deeply rooted in our faith in Christ. He is at the center of everything we believe. The values of our church community are drawn out of the life Jesus embodied and our desire to imitate Him. In this series, we will highlight each of our values and learn how to allow Jesus' prayer for it to be "on earth as it is in heaven" a greater reality.

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When we were children, we played a game called “telephone” where we would sit in a circle with friends, whisper a message to the person on our right, who would then whisper the message they heard to the person on their right, and so on and so forth. By the time the message worked its way around the circle it was nowhere near the message it was at the beginning.This is also how the message of scripture gets distorted as it passes through the channels of tradition and history. In this series, we will reexamine some of the commonly misinterpreted messages of scripture, which allows us to wrestle with the author’s intended meaning.

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Celebration Generosity is an annual event that aims to further our vision of seeing lives, neighborhoods, and our city renewed through Jesus Christ. It supports that vision in two primary ways:

1) It cultivates holistic generosity in our church community.

2) It supports organizations in our city committed to renewal.

In 2015 we supported Nomi Network, Defy Ventures, and Orchard Group/Restoration Church with over $80,000.

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Human life is prone to compartmentalization. We are trained from an early age to be anything but wholistic. Work. Play. Rest. Relationships. Faith. Are they really all separate compartments? In this six part series we will explore the idea that our faith can never be set aside on its own and have any lasting impact. Could it be that we need a new theology about all of our compartments? Could God be in each of them?

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