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I think we have something unique here at Forefront where we have cultivated a safe space for children, women, people of color and the LGBTQIA+ community.  I believe that these communities will lead the way in the future in what it looks like to be Just and Generous.

To anticipate that, I would like to better equip our Children's Ministry leaders for a more progressive approach to "Sunday School," that serves teens, Queer families, and children who wrestle with gender identity or cultural identity (or both!).

With a growing population of minorities in our congregation, I'd like to see our church continue to hold a safe space for them by bringing in speakers they can identify with and holding workshops to build bridges and bring reconciliation between community groups.  

So many people I've met at Forefront (including myself), found our church online.  I'd like to see us have a better online presence.  Let's bring back our Midrash podcast and soup up our FB live feed - because I believe that the Gospel message that we are living out at Forefront, is something that people nationwide will want to hear.