We'd like you to invite you into a rhythm of praying and meditating through the Stations of the Cross. We're grateful to Creighton Universities for the guide through the Stations and St Richard's of Chicester for David O'Connel's amazing art that walks us through this imaginative exercise.


The most important reason for reviving the practice of making the Stations of the Cross is that it is a powerful way to contemplate, and enter into, the mystery of Jesus' gift of himself to us.  It takes the reflection on the passion out of my head, and makes it an imaginative exercise.  It involves my senses, my experience and my emotions.  To the extent I come to experience the love of Jesus for me, to that extent the gratitude I feel will be deep.  Deep gratitude leads to real generosity and a desire to love as I have been loved. 


On the web, it's easy.  I can do one a day, for two weeks.  I can do several at a time, and just do them, when I get a chance. I can do all fourteen at a time, and return to them in my prayer and imagination as I do them.

The most important thing to remember is that this can be as personal as I'd like it to be. One of our common religious struggles is to realize that we are not alone.  The Good News is that Jesus entered into our life's experience completely - even suffering and death - and that he fell into the hands of a Loving God, who raised him from death to life.  We can have complete hope that suffering and death have no complete hold on us.  We will all share eternal life with him, if we can fall into the hands of the same Loving God.  And, along the way, we are not alone.  Jesus is with as one who knows our suffering, and the death we face.  That can be deeply consoling.

So try the stations, and experience the consolation they offer.  And return often, to be renewed in this intimate experience of Jesus' solidarity with all humanity in our way of the cross each day.